Let's start this post off by looking at the 36 Psalm, and the 9th verse. It says this.
"For with you is the fountain of life;
In Your light we see light."
I believe that passage contains one of the most powerful revelations known to mankind, and we have skipped over it, and treated it as unimportant. (I'm including myself in that group.)
The revelation is this: In the light of God, you see more light.
What does that mean?
Well, the answer is really very simple. When we get light on a subject from God, let's say healing or prosperity, too often we want to sit, and wait until we see the whole picture. But, that's not how God intended for it to work. He wants us to walk in the light that we have!
What does that mean? If you learn God wants to BLESS and prosper you, and that you need to tithe and give to activate THE BLESSING, don't sit there and wonder how God is going to meet your needs!
No, BLESS God, you begin to tithe, you begin to give, and as you walk in the light that you have, He will give you more light, whether it's a place to be, a person to help, a job to take, a phone call to make. But, you would not have gotten that light if you hadn't walked in the light you had already received.
Psalm 119:105 says it this way,
"Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path."
What does that mean?
A lamp to your feet means the light is only shining around your feet. That's the area that's illuminated. It's lighting up the path around your feet.
Now, if you were to sit there, and say, "I'm not gonna take another step in the darkness until I get some more light, and can see what's out ahead of me," you would be wrong to do that. All you have to do is take a step.
Step forward, and the lamp to your feet moves with your feet. As you begin walking in the light you have, you'll begin to move forward, and see new things you haven't seen before. That's what this means-when you walk in the light, you get more light.
Will you walk in the light? If God has spoken to you, don't sit around and wait. Do what He said to do. He'll show you everything you need to know as you come to it, because in His light, we see light.
Walk in the light. Be ready to receive more light.
gave credit to dave N. used part of this for church bulletin.