It's been way too long. I apologize for that. Without further ado, something the Lord has placed on my heart.
The other night, I overheard a most interesting conversation at work. I was in the break room, eating my dinner and enjoying my Believer's Voice of Victory Magazine. Partway through, two of my coworkers came in and sat down. They began talking about flu season. "Every year I get sick!" one of them declared. The other one replied, "I get the vaccine every year, but it doesn't seem to help." Eventually the conversation turned to the dreaded swine flu. H1N1. They were talking about how scared they were of the swine flu, and how they were gonna get it if they couldn't get the vaccine (and if they keep talking like that they will unfortunately get something). I just sat there, and this rose up in my spirit. "Where is your faith?"
We really need to think about that. Where is our faith? Fear activates the devil like faith activates God. God is moved by faith. He responds to that. Fear does the same thing for the devil. If we are afraid of sickness and disease, it opens the door for the devil to place it on us, and God can do nothing to stop it. F.F. Bosworth, in his book, "Christ the Healer" likens it to a game of checkers. Neither person can move out of turn. God sent Jesus, who paid the price for us, and provided salvation and healing, as well as all the other redemptive acts. Now it's our turn to move, and receive what He shed His blood for. When we receive that healing He gave us, He then moves, and we see a change, and then we thank Him for it. It's so simple. John 10:10 says that the devil came to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came so we could have abundant life, or ZOE, the God kind of life. There's healing in that life! There's wholeness in that life!
We have to determine where we place our faith! Is our faith in the disease to attack us, to manifest in our body? Or is our faith in Jesus, and the price He paid on the cross? Do we believe 1 Peter 2:24? The Bible says out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If you believe in the disease more than God's ability and willingness to heal you and keep you well, you will talk about the disease, and worrying about getting sick.
Oh, but if your faith is Jesus, and His healing power, then you can live above sickness! Above disease! And it will come out of your mouth, "I'm not getting sick! No swine flu is gonna touch me!" Or, as Brother Copeland so simply put it, "I ain't taking no flu off a pig!"
Your mouth measures the condition of your heart.
Where is your faith?
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