Tonight, I want to share with you a principle that I am just uncovering, but I believe that this principle is one of the most important to Christians today. Jesse Duplantis calls it, “The David Principle”. Call me biased, or whatever, but I like the name. So, the David Principle is something very simple, but it was what allowed David to live his whole life blessed, and prosper in everything that he did.
This principle is laid out for us in 2 Samuel 24:22-24. Now, some background here, David had sinned, and was going to buy an altar from Araunah the Jebusite, so he could make a sacrifice to God. Verse 22, “Now Araunah said to David, ‘Let my lord the king take and offer up whatever seems good to him. Look, here are oxen for burnt sacrifice, and threshing implements and the yokes of the oxen for wood. 23 All these, O king, Araunah has given to the king.’ And Araunah said to the king, ‘May the LORD your God accept you.’”
Stop right there. Most of you are thinking that this is a pretty sweet deal for David. I know I did. Most Christians wouldn’t think twice of taking this and offering it to God. But look, David wasn’t like that. He responded immediately, meaning he didn’t have to think about what his response was going to be, because he had purposed this in his heart. Verse 24, “Then the king said to Araunah, ‘No, but I will surely buy it from you FOR A PRICE; NOR WILL I OFFER BURNT OFFERINGS TO THE LORD MY GOD WITH THAT WHICH COSTS ME NOTHING.’ So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.” (Emphasis mine.)
So, you see, David makes it very clear what he thought. He said that he would not offer anything to God which costs him nothing. You see, that is where we miss it today. We are so busy, that we give God the extra. The leftovers. I’m talking everything here, not just money. That isn’t God’s way. Look at Jesus. You don’t think it cost God something to send His Son to the earth, watch Him live a sinless life, and then become sin on the cross, so that you and I could have eternal life? That was the most precious gift ever given. And look at the return He got on that gift. Sowing and reaping. God sowed Christ, and He reaped Christians.
Look at Cain and Abel in Genesis 4. God wasn’t pleased with Cain’s offering, but he was with Abel’s. Now some people have preached it was because Cain didn’t bring an animal to be sacrificed, and I am going to tell you that it isn’t true. Hebrews 11:4 tells us that Abel brought a more excellent sacrifice to God by faith. You see, Abel gave God something that cost him. He brought the firstborn of his flocks. Those were widely considered to be the best animals of the flocks. He brought God the first, and believed God for the rest. Cain, on the other hand, just brought some of his harvest in. He didn’t bring his first fruits, or his best offering, in faith, otherwise, God would have received it!
So then, the reason that this principle is so important to the body of Christ, is that this David Principle will allow us to walk out our God given destiny. The widow woman we see in Mark 12:41-44 is a perfect example of this. You see, she threw in all of what she had. You think that cost her something? I am willing to bet you this, (and I don’t have chapter and verse on this, but it very clearly follows biblical principles regarding prosperity), but I believe this woman became exceedingly wealthy. Why do I believe that? She followed the David Principle. What she gave cost her something. And it worked so well for David, that he was able to stockpile enough goods for Solomon to build the one of the most glorious, man-made objects created. That is, the Temple. God is not a respecter of persons, the Bible says. What He will do for someone else, He will do for you. She followed this principle, and gave something to God that most definitely cost her everything she had. There is no doubt in my mind that she was exceedingly rich after this.
So, as I close, let’s see how the David Principle is applicable in our lives today. Look at Philippians 4:15-19. To sum it up, Paul thanked the church at Philippi for sharing with him in giving and receiving, or becoming partnered to his ministry. Because of that, verse 19 stands out. It says, “And my God shall supply all you need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” So then, we see that by giving of ourselves, it causes God to liberally supply, the Amplified says, our every need, according to His riches in glory. You think it cost these people to send Paul aid once and again while he was in Thessalonica? Think of how slow news traveled back then. They must have sent him a whole bunch of money, over a long period of time, and it came back to them and blessed them.
So, we as believers need to purpose that we will follow the David Principle. Vow to God that you will never give Him something that costs you nothing. Follow this principle, and you will live outside of financial hardships. When crises come at you, like this “recession” everyone is afraid of, you just stand on the Word. You have a covenant. If you follow the David Principle, and refuse to give God something that cost you nothing, even if that is the easy thing to do, you will live above this recession. Case in point. A few weeks ago, I was believing God for more work. I was working one job, 20 hours a week, but I was faithful to the job, and with my money. I tithed, I gave. A week after that job ended, I was hired at CVS. Four days after that, Wal-Mart hired me. Home Depot wanted me too, but I had to go to school as well. Now, I am working more than could imagine, but I am not toiling!
So, what I am saying is this. Follow the David Principle. Give God your best, in everything. Give Him the first fruits of your time, money, etc. You do your part, and God will do His!
i just saw jesse duplantis speak on this today. Such a simple christian principle, but most of us fall short of it. Thanks for posting this my friend.
ReplyDeleteI taught on this a year and half ago at a conference and now God has told me it's time to put it out there ago through my church.