Sunday, March 8, 2009

Healing, Pt. 3

In this study of healing, we have seen a few things.

1. We have seen that God’s Word says that it is His will to heal.
2. We have seen that Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord our Healer, or our Physician, is one of God’s redemptive names.
3. We have seen that it wasn’t until later generations began to distort the Word of God that the Church believed it wasn’t always God’s will to heal.

I would like to conclude this series with one final teaching. I want to show you how to appropriate healing for yourself. Now, this may be stretching some people’s thinking, so, before I get stoned, please hear what I have to say. Healing is a very simple thing on our part. All we have to do, is find what God’s Word says about it, and Mark 11:23 and 24 tells us that we can have whatever we say. So, if we find God’s Word on the subject, and we keep that coming out of our mouth, instead of talking the problem, and saying that we are sick, like many Christians do, instead say what God’s Word says about us. 1 Peter 2:24 tells us that we were healed by the stripes that were on Jesus’ back. If we were healed by them (past tense) we are healed now (present tense). Healing was provided for the Jews under the Old Covenant, and the Bible tells us that we have a new covenant, established upon better promises! Hallelujah!

So, the Bible tells us that we are to be healed. James gives us one way to appropriate our healing. In James 5:15 it says, “The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.” God promises that if we pray in faith, (which doesn’t include attaching, “if it be thy will” to the end our prayer, because we have established that it is God’s will to heal us) we WILL be healed! Isn’t that good news? We get to appropriate our healing for ourselves, when we need it, by praying the prayer of faith!

In his great study Bible, Mr. Scofield looks at the Greek word for salvation, Sozo, and finds that in this word, all the redemptive acts are contained. What I mean by that is, when Jesus went to the cross to die for your salvation, not only did he save you from Hell, He also saved you from sickness, poverty and many other things. So, the same cross that bore your sins also bore your sickness!

We can see that God gave us this healing promise, but, what if we don’t see our results right away? You may say, “I tried that, I said it once, and it didn’t work, I’m still sick.” Well, that is because you didn’t stick with it, and the words you spoke undid the healing words you had said. Ephesians 6:13b-14 tells us, “having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth,” So, we are to keep standing. Brother Hagin said it this way, “If you are willing to stand forever, you won’t be standing very long.” So, make the quality decision, that, no matter the circumstances, you will believe God’s Word, and what He said. That means, when I feel sick, I won’t run around telling people that I feel sick, I go to the Word, and find my healing scriptures, and confess them. I pray the prayer of faith, and when I feel sick, I keep confessing. Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t go see a doctor. You use wisdom in that area. Remember, they are fighting the same thing we are. However, if they tell you that you have a certain disease, don’t walk around saying, “The doctor told me I have such and such disease.” You say, “I believe the report of the Lord over the report of the doctor. I am healed by Jesus’ stripes!” Keep confessing God’s Word, and watch your healing manifest!

If you need healing, pray this prayer. “Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that you have promised us exceeding great and precious promises in your Word, and that healing is one of them. I thank you that it says in 1 Peter 2:24, ‘by His stripes I was healed.’ I thank you that I was healed by the stripes on Jesus back, and that you have given me this free gift. You are Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord my Healer, and I thank you for Healing me. In Jesus Name, Amen” Once you pray, don’t undo your prayer by talking sickness and disease, or by praying for it over and over again. Confess God’s Word, and thank Him for manifesting your healing.


  1. "Now, this may be stretching some people’s thinking, so, before I get stoned, please hear what I have to say." Hmmm...Freudian slip???

  2. How so my my friend? I meant figuratively stone me, like in the Bible. My apologies if that was not clear.

  3. Unfortunately teachings like this doom people that believe that if they only believe strong enough, they will get healed. Not that God can't heal, but it is not a repeatable law that we will be healed. Rather, it may happen, and we may wrestle with Him, but we also may die.. in fact, the Bible promises much suffering and persecution for those that follow Jesus. For example Paul, who probably struggled with an eye disease says that he will be strong in our weakness.. in this way, we may be healed emotionally and accept disorders or sickness.

    The problem with people claiming that we can and will be healed from diseases if we "pray/stand" right, is that it discredits people who are doing just that and are not being healed, it makes them look as if they are not christian/faithful enough. thanks for your insight tho.

  4. There is where I must respectfully disagree with you my friend. I have seen it work too many times to believe what you have said. God has revealed Himself as Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer, and Peter, quoting from Isaiah, says that Christ took our sicknesses and diseases on His back so that we would be healed (my paraphrase). Also, if Jesus is supposed to be our example, why would it specifically say that He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil? Now, I apologize if it came of sounding like a plug-n-chug type approach, where all you have to do is confess the Word. The fact is, you have to renew your mind to the Word, and confessing it helps you do that, and it helps you pattern yourself after God, by calling those things which be not as though they were. Sometimes it may take a long time of standing (which doesn't mean don't go to the doctors-they are fighting the same thing, just be prayerful in how you accept their advice, and if you should follow it, because sometimes it isn't good.) But, when you believe, and it becomes a dominant conviction on the inside of you, to the point that is what you see, and it is what your reality has become, that is when you see results. I am not trying to discredit anyone standing for their healing who hasn't seen results, but rather, I am trying to encourage them. I am trying to encourage them to hold fast to the Word, and what God has said. In regards to the thorn in flesh, I commented on it in another comment on another post, but here is what I believe on the subject.

    Now, to address Paul's thorn in the flesh, I will admit, I do not understand it all. I do not claim to understand why it is worded the way it is. However, what I believe I understand, is that God would never send a demon to a person. That would be like sending a dog to guard a steak, if that analogy makes sense. What happened, I believe, is that this messenger from Satan came and attacked Paul, and Paul asked God to take it away. Now, at this point Paul was grown up in the faith, and so God told him, "I am not taking it away, my grace is sufficient for you", which means the pressure was on Paul. You see, healing is something we receive by grace, through faith. Just like salvation (Actually Mr. Scofield, in his study bible, using the ancient Greek tells us that the greek word sozo, meaning salvation, contains all the redemptive acts including healing.) So, when God says, "My Grace is sufficient for you", what He is saying is, "I already took it, receive it by faith." Again, I do not claim to understand this fully, but I do believe that this is what the passage is saying.

    Hope that clears things up on my end. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Feel free to post anytime.

    In Christ,

  5. LOL, my bad, dude! When you said "get stoned" I didn't think about the Bible version of getting stoned!!! LOL, that's funny crap!

  6. Read your Bible again. Jesus did not heal everyone.

  7. I didn't say he healed everyone, and I apologize if I gave that impression. However, everyone who asked Him, He healed. The only people who He did not heal were the ones in His hometown. The Bible said He could do no mighty work there, and gives the impression that it was due to their unbelief.

  8. But, Acts 10:38 says, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth, who went about dong good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil."
