There are many principles in the Scripture that are important for us to live by, but one of the most important is often overlooked. Now, this may or may not be intentional, but I do know this-the principle of seed time and harvest is one of the most prevalent themes in the Bible.
In Genesis 8:22 we see one of the first mentions of it by name. You can see it earlier in Genesis if you look for it, but for the purposes of our study, we will start here.
Genesis 8:22 is after the flood that covered the earth, and God had this to say to Noah,
"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest...shall not cease."
God Himself said it in His Word-as long as the earth is still here, and it is, seedtime and harvest will be here!
Now, people have gotten the mistaken idea that God only wants them to sow because He wants their money. No, nothing could be further from the truth. We find in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that sowing seed was a way for you to open the door, so that God could BLESS you! Hallelujah! How exciting is that? God doesn't just want my money, He wants me to give, so that He can give me even more, so I have more to do His work with!
Look at 2 Corinthians 8-9, and study it for yourself. (see all postings in this blog labeled "Prosperity") God wants you BLESSED!
That's why this is one of the most fundamental principles in the Kingdom of God. Mark's Gospel, and the 4th chapter, lays this out perfectly. In fact, this chapter is one of the best prosperity chapters I've ever read. There is so much meat in here.
Mark 4, and verse 3,
"Listen! Behold, a Sower went out to sow...8 But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased, and produced" some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred."
Then, look at the 26-27 verses.
"And He said, 'The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow..."
The Kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. That refers to sowing. This is the basis for the entire Kingdom! There's no recession in Heaven, because it's a seed based economy! As long as we're sowing, we're bound to be reaping!
Now, seeing that Jesus placed such an emphasis on sowing seeds, how can this apply to us? The title of this post is, "A Seed Will Meet Any Need," so what does that mean?
The answer is this-if you have a need in your life, sow a seed. God will show you what to sow, how to sow, and where to sow, and then, if you let Him, He'll even show you where you're going to be reaping.
So, if you need healing in your body, don't just sit there, and cry about "poor old me, I feel so bad." No, BLESS God, get out there, and start praying for somebody else! Someone else needs healing, and as you sow that healing seed, you're paving the way for your harvest.
It's the same thing financially. I'll give you an example in my own life. I was believing God for a new job (at His direction-I'll be touching on this soon), and I had a job interview come up. Well, I knew I needed increase financially. I felt in my spirit that I needed to pray a few hours before the interview, so I did.
Now, when I prayed, God spoke to me. I don't mean I heard an audible voice, but inside my spirit, clear as day, I heard the Lord tell me to, "Sow an additional $20 to the Copeland's Ministry, above and beyond your normal partnership."
He didn't have to wait long for me at all. As soon as He instructed me to do that, I said, "Yes Sir, I'll do it." I went to my computer, and sat down, and immediately sowed into their ministry.
Fast forward a week and a half (should sleep by night as rise by day, in Mark 4:27), and I got a phone call-I had the job! Hallelujah! I then found out how much they were paying me, and my jaw just about hit the floor. In a week an half, God had increased my annual salary $20,000! That's THE BLESSING at work!
Now, it's important to know this-I didn't sow $20 believing I'd receive $20,000 back. I knew increase would come, but I was waiting on His instructions. I sowed because He said to do it. That's the way we need to operate.
Did you know that God operates by this principle too? What is the most famous verse in the Bible? John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son..."
Like Jesse Duplantis is so fond of saying, "God sowed Christ, and He reaped Christians."
This is the way the Kingdom functions though. This is the way you and I are supposed to live. If I have a need, my first thought shouldn't be, "How can I meet this need???" No, BLESS God, it should be, "What can I sow? Dear God, I need to sow something! Tell me what it is Sir! I'll obey your command!"
So, what do you need in your life? Is it healing? Prosperity? Strength? I don't know what it is, but I do know how you can get your answer-sow a seed! Find out where He wants you to sow, and then do it.
A seed will meet any need!