Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Yesterday, we went fairly deep into the first half of that verse. Faith is now. And there has to be substance to your hope for your faith to work. But let's look at the second part of that verse. The evidence of things not seen. What does that mean? Well, let's look at the Amplified translation. "NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, (the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]."
Faith is the title deed to what we are believing for! I really like that, but let's break apart the second part of that verse. "Faith...being the proof of things [we] do not see,". So, when we are in faith for something, we have it. If someone asks you for proof-your faith is your proof! Glory to God, that means, if I'm taking God at His Word, that I don't need any other proof! I have all my proof right there in my faith, and the example for that is in Hebrews 11:1.
I graduated from tech school in April of this past year, and began searching for a job. I stood on Philippians 4:19 for almost four months, and had no results. Finally, a verse that I had heard, came alive on the inside of me, and saturated my thinking, and became so real to me that real faith, I'm talking Bible faith, the faith that gets results, rose on the inside of me, and I began to confess that scripture over and over again. For two weeks, I spoke the Word, and spoke the Word, and believed the Word! Whenever someone asked me how the job hunt went, my answer was, "I have a job in Jesus' name!" or, even if I hadn't heard anything from any companies, "It's going great!" After two weeks, I had more responses than I had in 4 months of searching (6 vs. 0) and in 3 and 1/2 weeks, I had a job paying almost twice as much as my previous job, and many more benefits than I had before! I had the proof before I saw the end result, and like God, I spoke the end result from the beginning! That is faith!
Praise God! So, not only is faith the proof of something happening, but it is the conviction of it's reality before it has been revealed to the senses! That's the God kind of faith! Let's look at the number one example of this.
Genesis 1. One of the most famous passages of scripture. When the earth was without form and void, what did God say? He didn't look at Jesus and say, "What are we gonna do Jesus? The earth is void! We got trouble here! Holy Ghost, you got any ideas?" No, He used His faith, (remember, Hebrews 11:3 shows us that God create the world through faith filled words!) and spoke the end from the beginning! Faith was His conviction of that reality. When He said, "Light be!" light was. He expected to happen, because in the faith realm, it already had happened. It didn't surprise Him when it manifested in our natural realm! When you speak faith filled words like God does, you need to do the same thing! You speak the end result from the beginning, like it has already occurred.
That means, if you are believing for healing, don't pray, "God, if it be Your will, heal me." Pray like this, "Lord, you said in Your Word that, 'by Your stripes, I was healed.' So Lord, I take Your Word above this sickness, I choose to believe what You say, and according to Your Word, I am healed! I believe that, and I know that I will see it come to pass, in Jesus' name! Amen!"
That is a prayer of faith! That's the kind of prayer that gets results, that gets you an answer! That kind of prayer will cause you to see the Spirit move. Someone once said, "There's something about faith that will cause God to pass over a million people to get to you!" That's because that is how God is pleased-by our faith! (Hebrews 11:6)
Well, that went a different way than I expected, but it was good! God definitely brought this where He wanted it. We're going to continue this series this weekend, Lord willing. Stay tuned for Faith Pt. 3 - Move Your Mountain